Consuming large amounts of fried foods and sugary drinks on a regular basis increases your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, a new study reported.
According to scientists, a diet high in fried foods negatively affects the health of the cardiovascular system and can lead to the development of a number of diseases, moreover, increase the risk of death due to them. The authors of the study suggest the Mediterranean diet as a healthy alternative, JAHA: Journal of the American Heart Association noted.
Scientists found that people who ate a predominantly southern eating pattern had a 46% higher risk of sudden cardiac death than people whose diets were least similar to those of the southern. At the same time, those who closely followed the Mediterranean diet had a 26% lower risk of sudden cardiac death than those who scored the lowest on the Mediterranean diet.
Although this study was observational, the results indicate that diet may be a modifiable risk factor for sudden cardiac death, and therefore diet is a risk factor that we have some control over.