Polluted air in the office is so dangerous

Air pollution in the office can have an extremely negative effect on people’s cognitive functions and their ability to concentrate. This is reported in a new study that was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters. In their study, researchers observed 300 office workers in 6 countries. The participants were between 18 and 65 years…

Are there people who are immune to coronavirus?

People with high levels of interferon alfa, high lymphocyte counts in the blood, and carriers of certain genetic markers may have increased protection against coronavirus, said Areg Totolyan, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. According to Izvestia, there are other factors that provide protection…

New ways to treat diabetes. Researchers

Researchers in Russia and the United States have discovered the structure of the BLT1 leukotriene receptor, which is involved in inflammatory processes and plays a role in the development of infectious, allergic, and oncological diseases. A respective study published in the journal Nature Communications paves the way for new treatments for type 2 diabetes. Researchers…