COVID-19 may be invincible

COVID-19 may never be completely defeated, according to scientists at the University of Minnesota. Only a vaccine can limit the spread of the virus, which, over time, is likely to adapt to the human body and circulate in the same way as the common cold viruses do. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious…

Scientists identify 6 COVID-19 different types

Scientists have identified six COVID-19 different types: they all differ in symptoms and severity of the disease, King’s College London scientists reported. According to Sky News, identifying various types of COVID-19 could be a breakthrough in the treatment of the virus and help identify the risks of developing serious complications in patients. Here are all…

WHO stops hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir treatment arms for COVID-19 treatment

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stooped testing hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, and ritonavir as part of trials to find a COVID-19 treatment. “WHO today accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. The Solidarity Trial was established by WHO to find an effective COVID-19 treatment for…

Study claims bandanas are least effective DIY face mask

Many people nowadays do not wear special medical masks, but home-made ones, including bandanas and scarves. However, according to a new study, bandanas are the least effective DIY face mask. Florida Atlantic University scientists were experimenting with different non-medical masks to determine the most effective face covering to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, Click Orlando reported. “They…

Scientists discover new way to destroy COVID-19 in 25 seconds

A new coronavirus can be destroyed in just 25 seconds, a new study – led by scientists from the Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories together with Signify – noted. The study was published in Scientific Reports. Specialists treated inoculated material with different doses of ultraviolet radiation to find out how much radiation you need to destroy the…