Simultaneous infection with COVID-19 and other infections, increases the risk of death by 3 times

Simultaneous infection with coronavirus and other infections increases the risk of death by 3 times, scientists warn. According to, back in September last year, there was evidence that people who simultaneously contracted the flu and COVID-19 had a mortality risk twice as high as compared to patients infected with only coronavirus. To learn more…

Foods that can help fight depression

Dark chocolate, fatty fish, and egg yolks are some of the foods that dietitians say can help combat depressed moods. According to The Daily Mail, nutritionist Julie Hodgson said dark chocolate is rich in magnesium and helps calm the nervous system. Avocados, almonds, and cashews have a similar effect. In turn, nutritionist Louise Wilcoxon recommended…

Does COVID-19 vaccination affect menstrual cycle?

Many women after being vaccinated against coronavirus face changes in the menstrual cycle. There is no official information about this yet, but Dr. Keith Clancy from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign wrote about it on Twitter. According to her, her colleague complained about changes in the pattern of menstruation after vaccination, and soon after that,…

Glaucoma treatment is on the way

Scientists at MIPT and their colleagues at Harvard have presented artificially grown retinal cells that can integrate into the retina. This is the first successful attempt to transplant stem cell-derived ganglion cells (retinal neurons destroyed by glaucoma) in a laboratory setting. According to Eurek Alert, scientists tested the new technology in mice and found that…

Vaccines and the new strains of COVID-19

RNA vaccines based on the classic SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strain produce immune cells that recognize mutant strains of the virus, as scientists from Johns Hopkins University (USA) found, reported in an article published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. According to MedicalXpress, the vaccine causes the body to produce CD4 + T-lymphocytes (or T-helpers), which activate…