Dangerous staphylococci lurk in our apartments and houses, study says

The home environment is very suitable for the spread of highly dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria, said scientists from the University of Washington Medical School in St. Louis. According to them, these bacteria infect humans and pets, and infections can be prevented with powerful disinfectants, MedicalXpress reported. Scientists examined samples of secretions obtained from the nostrils, armpits,…

Why do some people hate eating vegetables?

Some people dislike vegetables because of their genes, researchers at the University of Kentucky assume. A certain gene makes compounds in some vegetables, for example in broccoli or Brussels sprouts, taste particularly bitter to some people. The gene may also make beer, coffee and dark chocolate taste unpleasant, BBC  reported. Everyone has two copies of a taste gene called TAS2R38. Those having…

How important is it to drink water during the day?

Researchers at the University of Illinois have found that drinking water not only keeps children hydrated, but also increases their ability to multitask. According to Xinhua, researchers studied 75 children in central Illinois, compared the children’s urinary hydration and cognitive performance at their normal baseline levels, after drinking only half a liter of water a…