Some cancer patients develop memory loss

In a rare but serious complication of cancer, the body’s own immune system can start attacking the brain, causing rapid-onset memory loss and cognitive deficits. What triggers this sudden biological civil war was largely unknown. Now, researchers at University of Utah Health have found that some tumors can release a protein that looks like a…

Risk of untimely death drops by 2% with each additional year of education

Education saves lives regardless of age, gender, location, social and demographic background. This is the conclusion reached by Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME-CHAIN) researchers in their respective published in The Lancet Public Health magazine. The researchers found that the risk of death decreases by 2 percent with each additional year of education.…

A new antibiotic works against deadly bacteria

Scientists say they’ve developed a new antibiotic that appears to work against  deadly bacteria resistant to most drugs. Scientists from Harvard University and the pharmaceutical company Roche announced the creation of zosurabalpin in the online journal Nature. The new drug targets a bacteria called acinetobacter baumannii that thrives in medical environments like hospitals and, according…

Is winter weight gain normal?

The idea of gaining weight in the winter has floated around for decades, with conventional wisdom saying the average person puts on an additional five pounds during the colder months. While research shows that five pounds might be a bit of an exaggeration, doctors say winter weight gain is a real phenomenon. “I see this…